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Starboard SUP SUP24 7.11 x 29 SPICE Blue Carbon

Starboard SUP SUP24 7.11 x 29 SPICE Blue Carbon
Stk. Blue Carbon
inkl. MwSt. ggf. zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage
(abweichend bei Sperrgut wie Boards, Segeln und Gabelbäumen)
Starboard SUP
A Quiver Killer that blends perfomrance and fun in one: The Spice is a wave range that gives you incredible rail carving, impressive speed through sections and instant drive out of turns

The design brief focused on offering more performance and progression than the Wedge, while being more user-friendly and forgiving than the Pro.

The unique bevelled rail shape makes turning both ultra-responsive and easy. The slightest foot pressure and the board just rolls in the direction you want to go. The rails are super fine both in the nose and tail, reducing the swing weight through your t

The all wave performance of the Spice allows it to handle a range of conditions, from small beach breaks to overhead point breaks. The Spice was developed in Portugal with shaper Luis “Lacrau”, where it was put to test by a number of riders in a range of

From bevelled thin rails, wing tail, concave bottom shape, the design elements that make up this board work in harmony, giving you a ride that syncs speed, power and flow.


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Starboard SUP SUP24 7.11 x 29 SPICE Blue Carbon
Starboard SUP SUP24 7.11 x 29 SPICE Blue Carbon
1999,00 €*
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