The Prolimit Mercury TR Free zip Steamer wetsuit for men is our best-selling suit. The suit has Thermal Rebound technology, this is an extra layer in between the neoprene and Zodiac that reflects body heat and blocks wind chill. Besides the TR, the neoprene of the suit is 6mm thick, which makes it one of the warmest wetsuits on the market. Compared to the Mercury TR Free X, this suit has a zipper at the front that opens up completely for easier access. The seams are taped so they are watertight and protected. The suit is available in a 6mm and a 5mm edition.
Neolight Duotone 550+ Limestone Neoprene
FTM TAPED SEAMS (fluid taping method)
Neolight heather 550+ Duotone 550+ limestone neoprene
YKK FreeZip, horizontal front zip
Zodiac2 TR plush inside lining
Velvet Quick dry
Thermal Rebound Lining
KED, Knee Elongation Design, freedom of movement
Fluid Taping Method
Neopren für den Winter. Winterware für die kalten Tage! Egal ob Winterneopren, Beanie, Winter Handschuhe oder Unterzieher. Schützt Euch mit den dicken 5mm oder 6mm Winteranzügen vor der kalten Jahreszeit. So verlängern wir die Saison beim Windsurfen, Kitesurfen, Segeln und Wellenreiten.