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Flymount Action Kamera Halterung 4.Generation für GoPro u.v.m.

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(abweichend bei Sperrgut wie Boards, Segeln und Gabelbäumen)

Flymount ORIGINAL ACTION CAMERA MOUNT Kamera-Halterung V4 Universalbefestigung

Jetzt in der vierten Generation incl. Gopro Kamerahalter! Diese einzigartige und erfolgreiche Montagesystem ist das Ergebnis intensiver Forschung und Entwicklung unter einer Vielzahl von Bedingungen. Es richtet sich nicht nur an die neue Generation wasserdichter, stossfester Kameras wie die GoPro, sondern auch auch fasl alle anderen Kameramodelle.

Intelligentes Design vom international renommierten Kevin J. McDonald wurde das Flymount konzipiert, um allen Witterungsbedingungen standzuhalten für eine lange Lebensdauer – und ist somit die perfekte Lösung für Action-Sport-Photographie.

Durch die sichere Befestigung kann man mit der Flymount Kamerahalterung erstaunliche Aufnahmen aus den verschiedensten Perspektiven machen.

Seine kompakte Grösse und geringes Gewicht bedeuten, dass es einmal aufgeklemmt bis zum Ende des Einsatzes nicht mehr in die Hände genommen werden muss.

Ultrastark, kompakt und leicht; das Flymount ist perfekt für den Einsatz auf dem Mountainbike, Windsurf-Rigg, Segelboot, Quads und vielen anderen Aktion-Bereichen. Gefertigt aus hochwertigem glasfaserverstärktem Nylon und Edelstahl, ist das Flymount auch Salzwasser-resistent. Mit seinem einzigartigen Cradlemount-Schutz ist das Flymount eines der sichersten und robustesten Kamerahalterungen auf dem Markt.


  • resistent gegen Schläge, Salzwasser und UV-Strahlung
  • einstellbar von 20-48mm
  • urethanbeschichtete Klemmbacken für sicheren Halt ohne Spuren zu hinterlassen
  • Gewicht 143g
  • GoPro Mount
Ein Adapter für Kameras mit 1/4 Zoll Aufnahme ist optional erhältlich.

This was the world’s first ever action camera mount.

Launched in 2006, and continuously evolved to remain the very best action camera mount on the market today – light, strong, and endlessly versatile.


Capture the perfect point of view, with virtually any action camera, thanks to our fully adjustable, interchangeable mounting system.

Our customers use these mounts to capture life in the world’s most extreme environments – from Cloud Break to the Arctic Circle, on everything from roll bars to bike frames.


Pocket sized at all times – thanks to our unique adjustment system – and weighing just 143g, these mounts have incredible resistance to saltwater, high levels of UV, and extremes of temperature.

They can also hold a staggering 80kg of hanging weight, and can be used with DSLR cameras for static mounting.

No other product comes close to offering the same combination of strength, versatility and low weight.

If you want your camera to stay attached, use a Flymount.


MATERIAL: PA-66 (30% glass filled) / Stainless Steel 316, Brass CZ112.
COMPATIBILITY: GoPro mounting system / Industry standard quarter inch thread.
WEIGHT: 143g
RANGE: 20mm to 50mm.

  • Flymount Original camera mount.
  • 2 metres of English Braid polyester lanyard cord.
  • Safety Leash.


We started making mast and boom mounts for windsurfers in 2006. Our original camera mount has been continually evolved and refined over the years to ensure that it remains the very best action camera mount on the market, with the ability to fix almost anywhere.

No other product comes close to offering the same combination of strength, versatility and low weight.

If you want your camera to stay in place, use a Flymount.



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Windsurf zubehör

Great accessories help deliver the most enjoyable and memorable windsurfing sessions. At Unifiber we are totally dedicated to keeping you on the water - with a big smile!

Explore our tools and accessories to understand how they can benefit you



Uphauls are a near-essential 'accessory' - making it possible to pull the sail out of the water! Some high level windsurfers don't use uphauls as they have well developed skills in waterstarting and only sail in stronger winds, but we'd recommend keeping at least a light weight uphaul as a backup. Uphauls with thicker padding are more comfortable on the hands - great for more basic level windsurfers!

Regular vs Padded(Luxury) uphaul

Windsurfers who struggle for the power to uphaul the sail may consider the Unifiber Effortless Uphaul. Use your harness to hook into the easy-access loop at the end of the line and uphaul the rig by bodyweight rather than arm strength.

Effortless uphaul

Harness Lines

Harness lines fit on the boom and the enable the harness-wearing sailor to be able to 'hook in' onto the rig, thereby greatly reducing the amount of effort required during normal sailing. Harnesses together with harness lines allow for much longer and more enjoyable sessions. Most windsurfers would consider them essentials rather than accessories!

Relating to harness lines, features to consider include:


Harness lines are available to cover a range of 'standard' lengths, with fixed-length and adjustable options. There are many factors that influence preferred line-length: sailor height, preferred boom height, harness hook height, riding style etcetera.


Some lines are 'swingier' than others, and some riders have a strong preference towards either swingier or less swingy lines! Harness lines that have minimal swing have stiffer or reinforced webbing around the union between boom fixing and the line itself.

Attachment system: Fixed

To fit or remove lines with a fixed attachment system requires the back-end of the boom to be removed. The attachment loop is made bigger and the line then slid onto the boom. Then - with the line correctly positioned - the loop is then pulled tight and the velcro closure secured.

Adjustment system: Quick

Quick harness line use a buckle and webbing strap to secure to the boom. These style of harness lines do not require back-end removal, though the fixing is a little bulkier on the boom.


The length of adjustable lines can be fine tuned at any time. This makes it possible to adjust gear setup to adapt to the conditions.

Adjustable Outhaul Kit

For use with bigger sails an adjustable outhaul kit can offer real advantages. Adjustments to outhaul tension can be made 'on the fly': increase tension for a flatter and more depowered sail, decrease tension for more fullness and power.

Before purchasing an outhaul kit it is important to check if your boom is compatible. Most booms that are prepared for adjustable outhauls have back-ends that feature at least two pulleys.

Use any outhaul kit in combination with a double outhaul pulley. The double pulley makes outhaul adjustment much lighter and more fine-tunable. Triple pulley in back end of boom is required.

Windsurfen Shop
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